A white pencil is shown on the side of a black background.

Follow these 5 steps to order your Custom In-Ear Monitors.

How to Order Custom IEMs


Select your model and submit your Custom IEM order on our website.


Next step, you will need to get ear impressions made at your local audiologist. If you don’t already have one near you, use Google to find one near you and ask them “Do you make ear impressions for Custom In-Ear Monitors?”.


Review our Audiologist Impressions Guide, print it and bring it with you to your audiologist appointment.


Take at least 3 photos (from different angles) of your impressions and email them to [email protected] for approval. In case your impressions need to be remade, this step will save you lost time and extra shipping fees.


Once your ear impressions are approved over email, it’s time to mail them to Bellos Audio. Make sure to include your name, email address, and phone number with your shipment. Mail your impressions to:

Bellos Audio
3511 Gallatin Pike, Ste 209
Nashville, TN 37216

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to customer service.