
Our proprietary technologies that enable us to make the best in class Custom In-Ear Monitors.

A drawing of a helmet with a pink cap.

In-Air Canals

If you’ve ever used Custom IEMs before, you know that they are not always comfortable. Thats because with any jaw movement or facial expressions our ear canals change shape. As a result the CIEMs lose seal and feel uncomfortable in the ear. Introducing the revolutionary In-Air Canal technology. A proprietary design that enables a full seal at the aperture (the entrance) of the ear canal. Giving all the benefits of CIEMs with out the drawbacks. They’re so comfortable you’ll forget you have them in!  Read more

ATOM Venting

A pressure relief system that vents air pressures that build up in a sealed ear canal. Expanding the soundstage and greatly reducing listener fatigue so you can hear more and listen longer. You no longer feel like you’re disconnected from your environment. 

A camera with a blue light shining on it.
A picture of an orange helmet with a butterfly on it.

3D Printed Matte Shells

Using our patented 3D Printing technology we design the Custom In-Ear Monitors inside a 3D software with nanometer precision. The parts are printed and efficiently assembled by hand. Shortly after, the matte finish is applied to the CIEM shell to provide a very comfortable and organic fit with a “grippy” consistent seal.

RCX Cables

One of the most common points of failure is the cable. Our proprietary RCX Cable changes this. The only cable connection specifically made for Custom In-Ear Monitors. Rated for 5,000 connections without fail. The RCX cable also comes with our standard 2 Year CIEM warranty.

A drawing of an electric car charger.
A black and white picture of a camera with red knobs.

Removable Faceplates

A revolution in Custom In-Ear Monitor design. A conventional Custom IEM needs to be cut open to be repaired. Our design features a faceplate that is attached with alloy steel screws and allows us to quickly and efficiently repair Custom In-Ear Monitors.

Modular Drivers

The CIEM shell is designed to accept a pre-assembled driver package which is tested in advance to ensure it meets all specifications. Modular drivers are designed to be installed and removed without having to damage and destroy the CIEM shell.

A black and white picture of an orange helmet.